About Us

The Water Supply Forum promotes reliable delivery of safe, clean drinking water.

The Water Supply Forum (The Forum) coordinates and collaborates on current and future regional drinking water supply issues of mutual interest and benefit to water suppliers in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. Regional water-related concerns include – water supply planning, system resiliency, water quality, water operations, and water conservation.

The Forum was created in 1999 and is a cooperative effort of public water systems, local governments, and associations from Snohomish, King, and Pierce counties.

The Forum provides an opportunity for large, regional providers like Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, and Cascade Water Alliance to work with smaller providers and other agencies within the tri-county area to share information, explore solutions, and focus on next steps for the region. One example of the work the Forum has completed is a two-phased resiliency plan that was launched in 2014. This plan provides solutions for potential water supply disruptions due to various natural disasters, including major earthquakes.

Working together, the Forum can tackle regional issues and give members a stronger voice on common issues that affect their water systems and customers.


Steering Committee

Scott Dewhirst, Tacoma Water

Communications Committee

Ingrid Goodwin, Seattle Public Utilities

Regional Resiliency Government Relations Funding Committee

Martha Neuman, Seattle Public Utilities

Water Quality Committee

John McClellan, Alderwood Water & Wastewater District

Emergency Management Committee

Melina Thung, Cascade Water Alliance

Forum Members

Regional Map

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